My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Better than the previous outing in the Virgil Flowers series. Funnier and more believable.
Virgil is trying to get an assistant DA onside, and the DA says: "If we go to court, we like to have things pretty well wrapped up." Virgil replies "Dave, I've been doing this for quite a while. You don't want them wrapped up, you want a gold-plated guarantee, because otherwise you're afraid you'll screw up your conviction stats."
Plus ça change... In Canada, it's completely different, but the results are the same... US DAs might prosecute a losing case because it's politically necessary, but here the Crown attorney has no need to bolster conviction stats because they're not elected, but they still refuse to prosecute if they think they won't win.
Sandfor has a way with a simile. ‘The woman with a minimal flesh wound “screamed, "I'm dying, I'm dying, where's the goddamn ambulance." She sounded like a blackboard being run through a table saw.”’
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